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Community Service Projects

The Chapin Woman's Club serves the community through projects. Each member belongs to a community service project team. The club has 5 areas of focus, as listed below. In addition, the GFWC-SC President selects her own special project.

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Arts and Culture 

The Arts and Culture Community Service Program encourages members to promote and support art and cultural programs in their clubs and communities, and to expand understanding on every level, from local and regional to national and international. Our goal is to create projects that include crafts, dance, drama, food, music, and other manifestations of art and culture that develop skills, awareness, and appreciation. It is designed to inspire clubwomen and ignite within them a desire to make the world a more beautiful, thoughtful, and caring place.

Arts and Culture -
Fran Weaver, Chair

  • Passport to Arts & Culture

  • Paint and Sip

  • Evening at Trustus Theatre

  • Tour of Columbia Museum of Art

  • Event at Newberry Opera House

  • The Koger Center for the Arts


Civic Engagement 

The GFWC Civic Engagement and Outreach Community Service Program reminds GFWC members that each of us is a part of a larger society and is responsible for undertaking actions that will create a better quality of life and foster a sense of community—locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. This Community Service Program highlights and encourages citizenship; crime prevention, safety, and disaster preparedness; the needy, hungry, and homeless; and our military personnel and veterans.

Civic Engagement & Outreach -
Cathy Huddle, chair


Education & Libraries

We aim to help others, while we also continue to learn. Projects in the Education and Libraries Community Service Program are designed to foster schools, as well as other educational institutions and opportunities. These projects promote libraries, literacy, and the love of a good book. Through these efforts, we encourage the growth of individuals and communities at home and around the world.

Education & Libraries -
Georgette Richards, chair

  • Evening Accelerated School (EAS)-Judy Mattox

  • Little Free Libraries-Pam Lichty

  • Scholarship Committee Chairs-Shannon Allonier & Chris Woodworth

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The GFWC Environment Community Service Program encourages us to become stewards of the earth by working to preserve the world’s resources, protect wildlife and domesticated animals, live sustainably, and beautify our communities and enjoy nature. Environmental degradation is cumulative and many scientists warn that we are at a tipping point. There is no time like the present to act.

Environment -
Bridgette Craver, Chair

  • Butterfly Garden – Amy Warren, Pam Harrell

  • Free the Girls - Barbara Becker

  • Matthew 25 Ministries-Barbara Becker

  • Soles for Souls

  • Homeward Bound Supplies


Health & Wellness

The human body, mind, and spirit comprise our health and wellness. To improve our well being, we must address three key components: nutrition, disease prevention, and physical and emotional care. This Community Service Program aims to explore the various opportunities for awareness and advancement of each of these vital areas.

Health & Wellness -
Tricia Kling, Chair

  • Human Trafficking Project

  • Children’s Dental Health Month Project

  • Breast Cancer Ribbon in front of Theatre

  • Kids Craft Bags/White Bags of Courage (alternate years)

  • CWC Golf


GFWC-SC Special Project:

Elder Abuse Awareness

How can you Help? Support Project Lifesaver


Abuse later in life includes the physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or stalking of an adult age 50 years or older. In most cases, the survivor is in an ongoing relationship with the perpetrator, such as a spouse, partner, family member, or caregiver, where society expects there to be a trusting and caring connection. Research indicates that for every incident of abuse reported to the authorities, 23 incidents remain undiscovered. Older individuals face unique challenges when seeking assistance or services.

Older survivors may not from seek help or call the police due to shame or embarrassment because the abuse was committed by a spouse, adult children, grandchild, or caregiver. They may be intimidated by threats of being placed in a nursing home. It is estimated that elders throughout the U.S. lose a minimum of $2.9 billion annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation. Signs of elder abuse may be missed by professionals working with older Americans because of a lack of training. Professionals must be trained to be diligent about doing physical body exams for abuse. We need to support and educate our elder population and their caregivers.

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