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A Message from the President

Welcome to the 2024-2025 year of the Chapin Woman’s Club (CWC). I am honored to serve as your President in my inaugural year.

Our club is fortunate to have many strengths including members committed to each other and our community. We are poised to take this strength to new heights! By growing our membership, focusing our efforts, and actively engaging each member we can serve our community in even more ways.


​CWC has experienced substantial membership growth over the last few years. This year is the time to strive for exponential growth! Please consider sharing your excitement for CWC with every non-member lady you meet. Every day we interact with phenomenal ladies in our community who are unaware of the Chapin Woman’s Club. It is so easy to share your experiences and grow our club. You will receive 5 CWC Business Cards to share with special ladies you meet whom you would like to know more about us! Please help share the rewards of CWC membership.


Our club supports a plethora of activities in our community by both financial commitment and the gift of our time. In the coming year, let us evaluate our current and future commitments to achieve the best outcomes for our community. We must engage in this process as a group, but we must also each take a long, hard look in the mirror. Are you in the “sweet spot” balance of commitment and rewards? 

Achieving this balance is challenging but it will bring an amazing sense of satisfaction and happiness. If your look in the mirror leaves you feeling that you could step up your volunteerism, please reach out and get involved in your favorite CWC project. By focusing our efforts and engaging the potential of each and every member, our club can achieve goals beyond our dreams!


We have an exciting year ahead. Your Executive Board is composed of dedicated, talented and excited women who are ready to serve you and our club in extraordinary ways! Bring your ideas and suggestions to the Board. We are hoping to hear from you!


Living the Volunteer Spirit,


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